A friend of mine recently told me of a farmer who was complaining of his frustration at the "republicans" for standing in the way of liberal advances. He presented an argument to the effect that this country would be better off with a socialistic government and that the government should have the power and control it has usurped, and even more. Then he revealed his near sightedness by saying that it would make gas prices go up which in turn would cause ethanol to sell resulting in higher corn prices (which by the way fattens his wallet). Why is selfishness the norm in America today? Why are people so flippant about surrendering our liberty which was paid for by unspeakable sacrifice of selfless patriots? I assure you they didn't die so that you could satisfy your blind greed by selling this country for the price of corn, or supporting such a poor method of government foreign to it's constitution. If Americans don't wake up to reality soon, they will one day long for freedom just as our founding fathers did, but will be faced with the guilt of being the reason of it's absence.
How harsh is reality.