Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Selfish Viewpoint

A friend of mine recently told me of a farmer who was complaining of his frustration at the "republicans" for standing in the way of liberal advances. He presented an argument to the effect that this country would be better off with a socialistic government and that the government should have the power and control it has usurped, and even more. Then he revealed his near sightedness by saying that it would make gas prices go up which in turn would cause ethanol to sell resulting in higher corn prices (which by the way fattens his wallet). Why is selfishness the norm in America today? Why are people so flippant about surrendering our liberty which was paid for by unspeakable sacrifice of selfless patriots? I assure you they didn't die so that you could satisfy your blind greed by selling this country for the price of corn, or supporting such a poor method of government foreign to it's constitution. If Americans don't wake up to reality soon, they will one day long for freedom just as our founding fathers did, but will be faced with the guilt of being the reason of it's absence.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day Tea Party

This speech was delivered by Dr. William J. Reid III in Pickens, South Carolina at the Independence Day Tea Party on July the fourth. Dr. Reid is an electrical engineering professor at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. The message given here is not for the ears of our "president" or any other party to communism but is a call to action to every true-blooded American to preserve the heritage of this, our country. Well said, Dr. Reid!

I’d like to say here today that Americans all over this land should celebrate this 233rd year of independence not by swimming or boating, or making barbecue and ice cream, or even cutting open some red ripe watermelons. What we should all do is gather together to celebrate, and appreciate, that incomparable fiber and indomitable spirit of our ancestors who bought their freedom, and ours, at a dear but necessary price.

And I know, that if you are from around these parts, then you, like me, also have buried in these green hills, ancestors that you owe your very existence too. Men like my own Hugh Reid, resting forever on the banks of the clear Keowee at Old Pickens Presbyterian Church. These hardened men of the old 96 district were Scots-Irish by birth, and toughened by frontier life; and they were already free when the first shots of Lexington and 96 were fired.

Because they were free in conscience, free in mind, free in spirit, and blessed by their creator to be free to roam these beautiful backwoods hills.

So it is no surprise that when an Englishman named Tarleton, or Ferguson, a fellow Scotsman in name only, assured them that they would be visited by “letters of fire and sword” if they refused to submit to their absolutist King who lived across the sea, that these unflinching Calvinists cried that they would have “No King but Jesus,” and did only that which duty, and honor, and courage would allow them to do.

These Rebels hugged their children, and kissed their wives, grabbed their long rifles and Bowie knives, and followed the likes of our own brave Andrew Pickens, shouting as they fought up the slopes of Kings Mountain, or held their militia line in those Cowpens: “By the Sword of the Lord and Gideon!” And the day, and the war, and their new country was theirs.

Yes, they volunteered to freeze at Valley Forge, and Burn at Brandywine, and perish on prison ships off our coast, so that they, and their children, and we could live in a country like had never existed in 100 centuries of human history.

And let’s not forget their grandsons who did the same. Men like my own Lemuel Reid, who met under a few shady Oaks off Abbeville’s square to declare to themselves and their neighbors, that the blood that coursed through their veins was indeed the same as that of their founding fathers. That they too would not stand for a double-tongued tyrant and mercenary congress bent on subjugating them and their state. And when those defiant Rebels yelled their famed war cry across bloody creek and hallowed field, they also proved their mettle to the world, and to history.

Oh, how they all must be spinning in their cold, red-clay graves today, as they witness what decades of cowardice, ignorance, apathy, and greed have done to their blood-bought Republic!

I say ignorant, because we have failed to remember, or even learn Jefferson’s prophetic warning that stated

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Ignorant because we think that voting for the “lesser of two evils” will somehow give us something other than evil.

And cowardice you ask? Awhile ago a certain American was taken to task for calling us a nation of cowards; but the cold hard fact is, except for a small brave few, we are at least acting like cowards.

For what would men like Andrew Pickens call a people who have willingly accepted the control that has been thrust upon us for a century?

And we now finally have a king, surrounded by his many “czars,” who chortles at being called a socialist. And well he should, because let me be clear when I say to you that he is not a socialist. Yes, Bush was a socialist; for how else could you describe a man who gave us the largest, most overbearing government in our history, who gave us that most unpatriotic of Patriot Acts, and a collectivist “No-Child-Left-Behind” mandate.

But no, our present Kenyan Pretender is not a socialist, for he is in fact a 100%...genuine... unadulterated...”pure T” communist. His childhood mentor was a communist; his advocate to Harvard was a communist; his Campaign instigator was a communist; and now you can’t sling a dead cat near the man without hitting a communist.

But let me remind you that it was the capitalists of America and Western Europe that financed Trotsky’s Revolution. And it was their sons, these right-wing owners of our left-wing media that pre-ordained him to be our master years ago. So don’t blame Obama; he is simply doing what narcissistic puppet presidents have been doing for generations: following the lead of the money masters who are turning you, and me, into their slaves.

So we MUST realize that this movement is not solely about taxes, because this “power to destroy” is only a means to their end. And the end, for our would-be masters, is control: control of our lives, control of our liberty, control of our property, and especially control of our money.

And our ancestors knew that taxes on tea, and stamps, and sugar where not the primary impetus for fighting the most powerful nation on earth, for Benjamin Franklin said as much when he stated:

“The Colonists would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.”

Yes, my friends, the World Bankers and their blood-sucking creation, the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal, and has no reserves, must be resisted if we Americans are to have any hope for freedom. Our LORD says that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, and certainly their control of our Money is the root cause of our suffering today.

But ultimately neighbors, we should not blame the International Bankers either. Because there has been, and always will be Neros, and Edwards, Georges and Lincolns, Hitlers and Stalins, Bushes and Obamas, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Yes, the history of man is sadly a story of the powerful few, desiring to control the wealth of the many.

We shouldn’t blame Presidents, or Congressmen, or even insatiable Banksters, for men such as them have always existed, and always will exist.

No, we have no one to blame but ourselves, for the only variant of history is whether men refuse to be ruled by their oppressors, or willingly submit to them. And it is up to every generation to make the sacrifices necessary to resist the chains of tyranny dangled over them.

Yes, I know that just your being here today is a sign that many of you are willing patriots. But I want to impress upon you that giving speeches, or waving flags will not gain us back our freedoms, any more than men signing a piece of paper in Philadelphia or Mecklenburg County, or dumping Tea in Boston and Charleston Harbors could make a single colonist free.

And yes, I’m aware that many here could complain that it is harder for us today, because we are confronted with a less-visible enemy that is much nearer, but less defined. An enemy that is more advanced, and much more powerful. But let me end by reminding you that Patrick Henry also had to convince his oblivious audience of their predicament by declaring to them: “Let us not deceive ourselves...These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort.”

And it is just as imperative today that we fully understand our present predicament, and resolve ourselves to be men who will “stand in the Gap, and Make up the Hedge.”

Let this day be another day of Independence, a day when each one of us decides in our hearts that we too will incessantly strive to be free.

Let us today, just as Andrew Pickens and his mighty men once did, pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, to the cause of Freedom.

Let us cry from the top of Table Rock, and from all the glens surrounding, “Give us liberty, or give us death!”

For by the Sword of the LORD and Gideon, we too shall not be defeated!

W.J.Reid III (2009)