Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Seven Ways to Maintain the Status Quo and Help Destroy Your Country.

Always vote for the lesser of two evils. Continue to vote for status quo politicians who have supported, even once: The Patriot Act, Amnesty for illegals, Trade agreements that have gutted our manufacturing base, (NAFTA, etc.) or Bailouts for the banks which have stolen your economic future.

Never Understand that Big $ Money, from big business, literally buys the elections for the status quo candidates, the ones who can spend millions on reelection.

Vote Your Perceptions. Never research a candidate's voting record, just accept what he says, or his party's endorsement.

Never Vote for Principle. This way, your beliefs are never made known, and you send the message that you like open borders, loss of jobs to foreign countries, and runaway federal deficits.

Always Put Your Political Party Above your Country. Did you vote for pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Constitution, conservative Bob Conley who ran against Sen. Lindsay Graham? The SC Republican and Democratic leadership both shunned Conley who polled a stunning 42% against Graham and may have won if the Republicans who had voted against Graham in the primary had voted for Conley in the general election. They held their noses and voted for Graham because Conley ran as a Democrat!

Tolerate Electronic Voting Machines, best friend of status quo politics.

Never Vote for a Third Party Candidate. This way the opposition to the status quo never gains a base of voters. Constitution Party candidates, like you, are fed up with the establishment status quo, and only want better government. More Constitution Party members in Greenville worked for Ron Paul than did Republicans.